
Thursday, February 2

Even Wingnuts think Bush broke the law

Remember Grover Norquist? He's the guy who said that he wanted Government small enough that he could "drown it in the bathtub". He also said - "I've been a 'winger' from way back," he says. "I was an anti-Communist first, and then I became an economic conservative. I think I've gotten more radical as I've gotten older."

Well it appears his wingerness has finally found something even too radical for him, Bush's Domestic Spying Program.

Grover Norquist: Bush Broke The Law

White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan wants to make the controversy about Bush’s warrantless domestic surveillance program a partisan issue. Last week, McClellan issued this statement:
The NSA’s terrorist surveillance program is targeted at al Qaeda communications coming into or going out of the United States…Senate Democrats continue to engage in misleading and outlandish charges about this vital tool... It defies common sense for Democrats to now claim the administration is acting outside its authority...
It’s not true. Some of the most conservative members of the Senate have said they think Bush broke the law. Now Grover Norquist, one of the most important leaders of the conservative movement, declared the program illegal:
Referring to what some see as a conflict between fighting vicious terrorists and upholding all civil liberties, Norquist said: “It’s not either/or. If the president thinks he needs different tools, pass a law to get them. Don’t break the existing laws.“
Next week Attorney General Gonzales will be speaking to Congress to "explain" this program, Sen Feingold has already pointed out that Gonzales was previously asked about programs of this type during his confirmation, and he lied. I've called Sen. Lindsey Graham's office and they told me that the Senator has made any formal statement, but his feeling is that the program isn't legal.

That's some pretty squishy support the President is getting from even his own people, next week should be very interesting.


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