Anyone who thinks they have all the Answers before they've even heard the Question - is Dangerously Deluded! Real Truth Requires Vigilance, Perseverance and Courage, regardless of Party and who wields Power. Left, Right, Center, Corporations, Government, Unions, Criminals or the Indifferent.
Thursday, April 22
Jon Stewart Apologies to Fox News - Kinda
Anderson Cooper PWNS Arizona State Birther
COOPER: Joining us now is Arizona Republican State Representative Cecil Ash, who voted for the measure.
Thanks very much for being with us.
Do you believe Barack Obama is an American born in Hawaii?
CECIL ASH (R), ARIZONA STATE REPRESENTATIVE: All the evidence I have seen is that he was born in Hawaii. I have seen a birth certificate on the Internet. Of course, you can't believe everything you see on the Internet. So, I have never personally investigated it or studied it.
COOPER: But, Oklahoma, it sounds like you're -- really saying you believe it, but you don't believe what you read on the Internet. So, you do believe he's an American, though?
ASH: Yes, I do.
COOPER: I mean, as you said, the certificate of live birth is available for anyone to see. It's been released. And, in Hawaii, there are only electronic records at this point, and the health department there has verified it. They have made public statements.
So, why vote for something which perpetuates these false Internet rumors?
ASH: Well, Anderson, I think there's been a lot of controversy over the issue. It's created a division among a lot of people in the United States. And, for better or worse, many people don't believe he is a U.S. citizen. They believe he has loyalties -- divided loyalties, I suppose you could say.
COOPER: Right, but those people are wrong. I mean, he is a U.S. citizen.
ASH: Well, you're telling me that he's wrong. I have never investigated that. If he is, then he has nothing to fear.
COOPER: But -- but, I mean, that -- the information is out there. It has been released. It has been shown. There are some people who don't believe it, but there are also some people who believe that the moon is made out of cheese. And you can say you have never investigated it, but I think you would probably say the moon is not made out of cheese.
ASH: Well, I certainly would.
But the reason I spoke up on this bill is simply because there is a lot of division in the country. And I believe this would put an end to any future controversy about a president's qualifications.
COOPER: You told our producer you voted for this because you get a lot of calls from constituents with questions based on things they have read on the Internet.
I mean, isn't it your job as a leader to actually lead, not to throw up your hands and say, well, who knows what's real or not on the Internet, to actually say, well, actually, you know, Hawaii has released this information, and it's factually correct?
ASH: Well, as I said, I haven't personally investigated that. But I -- I think that, if -- if...
COOPER: But, I mean, there's plenty of things you believe that you have not personally investigated.
ASH: That's true.
COOPER: Why, this, are you holding onto?
ASH: Well, what we're requiring here is for a -- a presidential candidate to demonstrate he is qualified.
And I don't think having any presidential candidate -- candidate show that he's qualified by demonstrating the requirements of the requirements, that there's any problem with that.
COOPER: You told my producer you thought the president spent a million dollars fighting the release of his birth certificate, and then that raised concerns for you.
ASH: That's what I have heard. As I said, it...
COOPER: Right. But that's not -- you know that's actually not true?
ASH: I -- I don't know that that's not true. As I said, I haven't studied it. You get a lot of information on the Internet. As you know, much of it is inaccurate.
This has not been a focus of my attention for the last two years. But I know it is a matter of -- of controversy for many people. And I looked at this as simply a -- a means to end that controversy.
COOPER: You -- you also said to our producer that the president identified himself as a foreigner on his college application.
ASH: Yes.
COOPER: You know that's not true, right?
ASH: I didn't know that that was not true.
COOPER: That's a story that was put out on April Fool's Day. It's a fake AP news story.
ASH: Like I said, I -- I'm reluctant to read anything I read on the Internet, including the evidence about his birth certificate.
This -- this is not the responsibility of the average citizen.
COOPER: So -- so -- so, the only -- the only way you will believe a birth certificate is if, what, you see it for yourself at the state office in Hawaii? I mean, to not believe anything that is put out by anyone, then how can you believe anything? I mean...
ASH: Well, it's -- it...
ASH: It's not my -- it's not my responsibility...
COOPER: Do you believe...
ASH: ... to check the qualifications.
When someone comes to be on the ballot in Arizona, it's not my responsibility to check those qualifications. It's the responsibility of the secretary of state.
And, so, all we said is, if -- if it's required that you be a natural-born citizen, he should determine that. Now, you -- you argue this in terms of what's happened to Barack Obama. I'm thinking in terms of the next nominees down the road.
COOPER: But this is all about Barack Obama. I mean, this is -- this is completely partisan, no?
ASH: Well -- well, that's why I spoke up on the bill. They were -- the other side, the Democrats, were saying this is racist; it's to embarrass Barack Obama.
And I spoke up to say, this is not a matter of race. It's not a racist issue. I'm merely voting for the -- as you call it, the birthers amendment.
COOPER: So, where was George Bush born?
ASH: I have no idea where George Bush was born.
COOPER: But you -- that wasn't a concern for you when he was in office?
ASH: The issue never came up.
COOPER: What about Bill Clinton? Where was he born?
ASH: I have no idea.
COOPER: So, all of a sudden, you're concerned about where the president of the United States is born, based on calls you're getting from constituents who are misinformed?
ASH: Actually, I did not get any calls from constituents until after this bill was passed.
But I don't think there's any harm in requiring someone to demonstrate that they meet the requirements for the position. Now, nobody can deny -- regardless of what you believe about President Obama, nobody can deny that there's been a controversy. You may deny...
COOPER: Well, yes, but there's controversy about everything. People -- and there -- but there are things called facts, and you know the facts. You are a leader. You know the facts.
Isn't it your job -- when a constituent calls and says, gosh, I'm reading all this stuff on the Internet that President Obama was a -- was foreign exchange student, to say, actually, no, he wasn't?
I mean, isn't it -- that your -- part of your job?
ASH: Look, President Obama is president now. For the future, this kind of controversy should not come up again, because they will have to establish that up front. And that will avoid this kind of controversy in the future.
COOPER: To your critics who will say that you and the other Republicans -- only Republicans voted for this -- are simply pandering to a misinformed electorate, that, rather than setting the record straight yourselves, you're just pandering. You're kind of throwing up your hands and saying, gosh, I don't know, there's a lot of stuff on the Internet, a lot of it seems controversial, we need this bill, rather than saying, actually, this information is false.
ASH: Well, I think our purpose was to avoid this kind of controversy in the future. And I think that's appropriate. That's our job as leaders is to eliminate the possibility of this kind of controversy in the future.
COOPER: State Representative Cecil Ash, I appreciate your time. Thank you, sir.
ASH: Thank you very much. Bye.
Monday, April 19
Contact Congress TODAY and Get them on Record about Non-Violence
Does the Congressperson Unequivocally Renounce and Denounce All Forms of Political Violence?
The Following are the Answers I Received
I just got off the phone with the Offices of all three of my Congressmen (Women) Senator Boxer, Senator Fienstein and Rep Waters in order to ask them a very specific question...
[b]Does the Congressperson Unequivocally Renounce and Denounce All Forms of Political Violence?[/b]
The Following are the Answers I Received
The reason i made this call was because of what day it is today, the 17th Anniversary of the Tragic End of the Waco Incident and the 15th Anniversary of the Bombing of the Oklahoma City Murrah Federal Building.
In recent weeks and months there has been a clear uptick in incidents of violence against the Government, threats and vile epithets against elected leaders.
We need to know where each and every one of our elected representatives stand this issue - oddly enough [i]their[/i] lives might depend on it in the end. The question isn't one about War, which some could argue is a form of Political Violence - but that's not the question I'm asking because that general occurs between nations, and could be more accurately described as [i]Diplomatic Violence[/i]. War is what happens when the negotiations and Diplomacy have completely failed. No, what I'm really talking about here is Terrorism and Intimidation. Domestic Terrorism and Intimidation, regardless of partisanship.
I did not address whether this violence is coming more from the left or the right giving examples such as the recent Death Threats against Speaker Pelosi as well as GOP Whip Cantor.
McVeigh's Truck Bomb didn't ask which political party you belonged too.
I didn't ask whether the Senators and Reps felt that Extreme Rhetoric from the Tea Parties was necessarily contributing to the increase in threats and actual violence, as that is a Free Speech Debate.
The question is simple:
[b]Does the Congressperson Unequivocally Renounce and Denounce All Forms of Political Violence?[/b]
The question isn't a trick, it's either "Yes" answer or "No, with qualifications/excuses..."
I first spoke with [b]Sen Boxer's Office[/b] and in pretty short order received an answer of "[b]YES[/b]" from the staffer on the phone. It was quick, it was painless, it was unequivocal.
I then called [b]Senator Feinstein's[/b] Office and asked the staffer on the phone referred to the Press Office where I repeated the question, with some background as to why I'm asking it - [i]On this day[/i] - including who I was and what I planned to do with the information (Post it here and on my Facebook). [b]They took my contact information and said they'd get back to me today with an Official Position.[/b]
In the midst of this back and forth I speculated with them on her answer as likely to be "Yes" considering the fact that Sen Feinstein was President of the San Francisco Supervisors Office when both Mayor Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk were brutally gunned down in the San Francisco City Hall by former Supervisor Dan White. She's the one who discovered Harvey's body.
Although that was years ago, I could understand why her office might want to be double certain about getting her answer right. We'll see what she says.
Lastly I called [b]Congressman Maxine Waters[/b] Office in DC, and received a busy signal. I then called her local office and after attempting to grapple with the question in her own opinion the staffer said "there might be some circumstances where..?" I asked "So that not an unequivocal "Yes' is it?" Ultimately like Fienstein's Office they suggested I talk to the Press Office in DC. A staffer picked up when I called back to DC the second time and I presented the question. Ultimate the answer was..
[b]"There are no circumstances where violence is called for"[/b] (which is admittedly a paraphrase, but I took as a "[b]Yes[/b]")
That answer didn't come from the Press Office, but I'll take it for now. I had short conversation after this point about various incidents which have occurred at the Capital, and after admitting that things had recently "calmed down" it was clear that their is an edge of fear on Capital Hill.
"We hope that Law Enforcement is able to protect us all, but all it takes is that one lone person that no one can predict..." he said.
Amen to that.
So while I'm waiting for the Call Back from Senator Fienstein I'm asking you all to do the same thing. Call your Representatives and Post Back their response to this question - I'll tally the answers and post them on the new [a href=""]Democratic Non-Violence Facebook[/a] Page and shows what the results are.
Do our Reps Denounce All Political Violence, or do they make excuses when it's politically adventagious the way the [a href=""]Rep. Steve King[/a] did when he was asked about the plane flying into the IRS office in Austin Texas? Or try to excuse the attack the way the [a href=""]Senator Scott Brown[/a] did.
Let's put them on record people.
Senate [a href=""]Contact Info[/a]
[a href=""]House.Gov[/a]