Anyone who thinks they have all the Answers before they've even heard the Question - is Dangerously Deluded! Real Truth Requires Vigilance, Perseverance and Courage, regardless of Party and who wields Power. Left, Right, Center, Corporations, Government, Unions, Criminals or the Indifferent.
It's one thing to reflexive find fault with the President of an opposing party purely for partisan gain, it's another to wish Death and Execution on someone who has been through the legal system, paid his debt to society, and is working Very Hard to make amends and put his life back in order.
Oh, that we could expect this kind of recovery and redemption from Lindsey Lohan? Or Paris Hilton? Or Michael Peters? Or Mel Gibson? Or Kanye West?
But no, one of the guys whose actually did go to jail and has been the right thing has to be the target of Tucker Carlson's later explosion of Douche-Nozzlery.
Carlson: Personally I think he should be executed... some things are unforgivable.
First of all it's been well documented that President Obama called the head of the Eagles to talk about Alternative Energy since the announcement that their stadium would be Entirely Run by Solar, Wind and Cogeneration - including 80 Wind Turbines and 2,500 Solar Panels - not to discuss Michael Vick's rehabilitation. But Obama is a sports fan, and Michael Vick is ALMOST on tr-ack to be the potential League MVP behind just Tom Brady, so it's just something that came up naturally in conversation that the President was supportive of the Eagle's effort to give him a second chance, that's all.
Nothing complicated, nothing ulterior or even political about it. Just "Nice job, Congrats".
To be far more Fair to Tucker than he's been to Vick, Carlson it turns out happens to be passionate on this issue because he's donates time and supports a Rescue Animal Shelter in Washington. via Anna Marie Cox.
Carlson is well known as an animal advocate. For the past couple years, he and Ana Marie Cox have served as spokespeople for the Washington Animal Rescue League, and in fact co-hosted a holiday party for the organization just this month.
“It’s the oldest animal rescue league in Washington,” Cox said. “It’s a no-kill shelter, which appeals to my bleeding heart liberalism, but it also accepts no government funding, which appeals to Tucker’s libertarianism.”
She and Carlson were approached by the league after the organization found her name in its database of supporters.
So he's invested in the subject. Interesting that he's not as investing in say ... Moose and Caribou Torture! (From Aaron Sorkin's: I'm Sure the Moose Had it Coming)
I eat meat, chicken and fish, have shoes and furniture made of leather, and PETA is not ever going to put me on the cover of their brochure and for these reasons Palin thinks it's hypocritical of me to find what she did heart-stoppingly disgusting. I don't think it is, and here's why.
Like 95% of the people I know, I don't have a visceral (look it up) problem eating meat or wearing a belt. But like absolutely everybody I know, I don't relish the idea of torturing animals. I don't enjoy the fact that they're dead and I certainly don't want to volunteer to be the one to kill them and if I were picked to be the one to kill them in some kind of Lottery-from-Hell, I wouldn't do a little dance of joy while I was slicing the animal apart.
I didn't see Outraged Animal Activist Tucker Carlson jumping onto Sorkin's side of the argument here, did you?
Sorkin even made the link between Palin and Vick quite direct:
I can make the distinction between the two of us but I’ve tried and tried and for the life of me, I can’t make a distinction between what you [Sarah Palin] get paid to do and what Michael Vick went to prison for doing. I’m able to make the distinction with no pangs of hypocrisy even though I get happy every time one of you faux-macho s***heads accidentally shoots another one of you in the face
So, pardon me if I ride this Palin/Sorkin tangent for bit, before returning directly to Tucker and his douchy-ness - as you'll see - I have my reasons.
Now, while I may be loathe to defend Palin, and Lord Knows I've given her a hard time, but it's fair to point out that she actually shot a Caribou, not a Moose (or a Wolf from a Helicopter) and that they actually did harvest the meat and prepared it for future meals by storing it in their freezer contrary to Sorkin's article. She wasn't just hunting to cruelly kill animals, she was hunting for food for her family - and after earning only a measly $12 Million in the last 9 months with her ruthless relentless self-promotion, she's clearly on the verge of some lean times in the near future - so it's not like she was just polishing her rugged outdoorsy image with this "hunt", and it had anything to keep the duchets flowing into her pockets from those easily duped by her snake-oil act.
(Ok,ok - I admit about half of that was snark!)
A better criticism of Palin would have been that she was a SLOB HUNTER, using a Varmint Rifle that was under power for their target game, and that it's sights were off making her a danger to everyone else around.
When PETA takes issue with Sarah Palin it should come as no surprise to anyone. However, when a group of hunters complain about Palin that can be considered a bit more newsworthy. A Mediate article documents complaints from a group of hunters who argue that Palin violated gun safety protocol. Other hunters argued that video showed Palin had no real experience in hunting as she claims. They cited the following examples of Palin's alleged hunting ignorance:
The group departs from the trip without bothering to sight in Palin's rifle
Palin chose her "varmint rifle" to go caribou hunting - a mistake the group claims no serious hunter would make.
. Palin had someone else carry her rifle for her and load her shells.
. When handed her dad's rifle Palin asked "Does it kick?" According to the hunters the answer should be obvious to anyone familiar with that type of rifle.
. Palin immediately put her finger on the trigger of the "hot" rifle handed to her by her dad. The hunters argued that the finger should not be put on the trigger until the moment right before the shot is fired.
Because of Sorkin's comments I actually saw the episode and all this is true, but the one who picked the varmint rifle for Sarah (to avoid the kick) and didn't bother to check the sights on his gun or Sarah's was her Dad, Chuck Heath, the "avid experienced hunter". Sarah actually used their companion's gun for the shoot since she couldn't hit anything with either of the guns her dad brought.
On the other hand, just like the ridiculous blather we're likely to hear from Carlson as this issue heats up, Palin's counter-argument was even more hole-riddled, claiming that Sorkin had endorsed the killing of animals for fashion - this she said while sitting just five feet from a bear skin rug as shown in the clip below - and that Sorkin had no credibility on the issue because as a TV producer "Alan" - as she called him - must have written plenty of TV Shows and Movies that showed people shooting Other People with "high powered rifles".