John Lennon once sang that "Woman is the Nigger of the World". In the last few weeks, something has become increasing clear to me. Times have indeed changed from the bad-old days of the Civil Rights movement and women's suffrage. No longer is it women who are the chief second-class citizen of this nation. It's not the gays. It's not the immigrants. It's not minorities, be they Black, Brown, Red or Yellow.
Granted, there are an increasing number of issues which affect each of them, but the one method for getting a full on smash-mouth whack at all the above - without being called nasty names, and being accused of being incivil, impolite, or basically a
Fucking Dick - is to attack just one group.
Before Ann Coulter's most recent onset of verbal diarrahea I had already written about how Republicans have perfected the game of "
Hating the Enemy - Namely, Us".
The constant cries of Liberals On the Rampage are an easy way to justify the use of any and all means (necessary or not) to fight back. Republicans are the heroes of their own self-written story.
Attacking Liberals is a way to say what they otherwise couldn't possibly say about Blacks. Things that are so vile, that if they were said about any ethnic group - Jews, Muslims, Athiests or even Christians - they would be simply noted for exactly what they are - Hate Speach.
With this in mind, it seems only logical that people such as Coulter would openly and without basis attack the marriage and integrity of the Jersey's Girls -
simply for being friendly to Liberals. If she were to say that about a group of say - Lebanese women - "oh, they're husbands probably wanted to leave them, they don't shave their legs or douche."
(I have no idea if that's true, nor do I suggest that it is --- btw)
But can you imagine the thermo-nuclear explosion of outrage that would have generated?
Just listen to some of this stuff.
Glenn Beck: Liberals want to rape immigrants by denying them social security!
Joe Klein: No doubt "solutions" was a slip--but the notion that "Democratic ideas" might not be an oxymoron represented one small step forward for the perpetually benighted Donkey party
Rush Limbaugh : Let me tell you something, the Democrats are more fearful -- and I've told you this too -- they're more fearful of Christians than they are of Al Qaeda.
And our all time favorite potty-mouth girl, Ann Coulter : I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East and sending liberals to Guantanamo.
These people aren't just coarsening the dialogue in order to make more outrageous ideas more palatable. Well, sure - opening the
Overton window a crack is part of the goal, but it goes further than that. It's more like tourettes, they can't help themselves from acting out on this deep seated almost atavistic vitriol and contempt.
But why? What is it that makes them so pissed-off at all those damn dirty Liberals?
Perhaps it's the fact that the Liberals have long been the champions of the people they really hate. The original minorities. Blacks. Gays. Women. Jews.
The Misfits and Weirdos. And let's not forget those fucking Hippies! With all their anti-corporate, earth grub-worm,
commune-istic ways - and doing
theoralsex outside (and underneath, and on top off) the holy and rightfully ordained arrangement of male/female matrimony.
Lousy Scum.

Former FBI agent Gary Aldridge, a Republican who wrote an "expose" about the Clinton White House called "
Unlimited Access" - an innuendo and salacious rumor filled pot-boiler. As detailed by ex-Conservative David Brock in "
Blinded by the Right":
Aldrich's animosity toward the Clintons was fueled by a clash of manners between the starched-shirt Republicanism of [G.H.W.] Bush years, which Aldrich idolized, and the culture of the Clinton crowd, which Aldrich described as "Berkeley, California, with an Appalachian twist."
Berkenstock wearing Hippies and White Trash?
As Aldrich explained it to Rush Limbaugh in an interview in Limbaugh's newsletter, "It was also about the counterculture. I came face to face with the people I used to investigate in the 1960s. I didn't know it at first, it took me a while to understand it. But then finally I did: it was drugs, sex, and rock 'n roll aged about twenty years."
And let's not forget the Fags, Dykes, Goths and Ho's. That would be just plain
Aldrich described the Clintonites as "broad-shouderd, pants-wearing women and pear-shaped, bowling pin men." In the Clinton White House. Aldrich hasd seen "jeans, T_shirts an sweatshirts, men wearing earrings and ponytails, " and "one young lady dressed entirely in black, black pants, black t-shirts, black shoes, even black lipstick." Another female staffer wore a "vry short skirt...[and] kept ostentatiously crossing and uncrossing her legs."
Wonkette? Nah, never mind.
In his book "
My Life" President Bill Clinton - who had very close proximity to seeing genuine racial hatred in
Little Rock, AK - rightly and correctly recognizes these Conservatives and Republicans for exactly what they are. These are the same people who stood at the school house door and shouted "No", when young black school children wanted to learn. These people are still pissed beyond comprehension at the counter-culture and civil rights movement. Clinton on Gingrich.
Gingrich and the Republican right had brought us back tothe 1960s again; Newt said that america had been a great country until the sixties, when the Democrats took over and replaced absolute notions of right and wrong with more relativistic values. He pledged to take us back to the morality of the 1950s, in order to "renew American civilization."
In focusing only on the excesses of the 1960s, the New Right reminded me a lot of the carping that white southerners did against Reconstruction for a century after the Civil War. When I was growing up, we were still being taught how mean the Northern forces were to us during Reconstruction, and how noble the South was, even in defeat. There was something to it, but the loudest complaints always overlooked the good done by Lincoln and the national Republicans in ending slaver and preserving theUnion. On the big issues, slavery and the Union, the South was wrong.
Back in the 50's you
absolutely knew that you didn't want
Nigras moving into your neighborhood. Your wife knew her place, or she'd see the back of your hand. And the only good fag was a dead fag, especially if he/she/it was a member of your own family.
But you can't say that stuff anymore, not in polite company - instead you can read Katie O'Beirn explaining to you about the "Women who make the World Worse", who naturally - are
Liberal Women. Or let Michele Malkin tell you about "Liberals Gone Wild." and feel completely vindicated in your own blind hatred.

Not exactly D.W. Griffith, but these skreeds draw from exactly the same place and seek to produce exactly the same result. Justifying the Hate, making it not just acceptable but
righteous. Just under 100 years ago Griffith used a quote from President Woodrow Wilson in his film "Birth of a Nation", a virelently racist film which help spawn a new resurgence in the then dwindling Klu Klux Klan.
The white men were roused by the mere instinct of self-preservation -- until at last there had sprung into existence a great Klu Klux Klan, a veritable empire of the South, to protect the Southern Country.
Besides the mildly covert racism, homophobia, and Christo-facist leanings of Coulter, O'Beirn, Malkin and their ilk, the leading Civil Rights organizations in the country have begun to note a marked rise in activity among
overt Hate groups in recent weeks and months.
"The immigration furor has been critical to the growth we've seen" in hate groups, says Mark Potok, head of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center. The center counts some 800 racist groups operating in the U.S. today, a 5% spurt in the past year and a 33% jump from 2000. "They think they've found an issue with racial overtones and a real resonance with the American public," says Potok, "and they are exploiting it as effectively as they can"
The danger here can not be understated. But the more troubling issue is mounting and effective defense against these endless attacks, particular when some of our own refuse to even recognize the signs of what is happening.
I've written quite extensively about the Election issues over the past year including stories about Diebold being
sued in CA, election whistleblowers
William Singer,
Ion Sancho, and
Steven Heller as well as writing intensely regarding the Kennedy article in Rolling Stone,
here and
here. The reason this is so important is because this is what those people we see being blasted with firehoses by Sherriff Bull Connor were fighting for, and it's being slowly pissed away.

There the rights that the
Freedom Riders fought for.
In 1961, the Freedom Riders, a dedicated group of men and women, black and white, young and old (many from university and college campuses) across the country boarded buses, trains and planes bound for the deep South to challenge that region‘s outdated Jim Crow laws and the non-compliance with a US Supreme Court decision already three years old that prohibited segregation in all interstate public transportation facilities.
At stops along the way, the Freedom Riders entered “whites” and “colored” areas contrary to where they were supposed to go and ate together at segregated lunch counters. They met little resistance along the way until Rockville, S.C. where an angry mob beat the Freedom Riders as they pulled into the station. This was the first of many such beatings the Freedom Riders were to receive at the hands of angry mobs. Undaunted by the beatings. the Freedom Riders continued on their journey until Mother’s Day, May, 14th, 1961 when they were met by an angry mob (dressed in their Sunday finest as if they’d just come from church) in Anniston, Alabama. Due to the ferocity of the mob, the bus decided not to stop at the station and it quickly left, already wounded by the mob who had slashed the bus’s tires at the station. A few miles outside of Anniston the tires began to deflate and the bus was forced to pull over. As the bus driver fled in glee, a mob of men who had been following the bus got out of their cars and surrounded the stricken bus. From somewhere in the crowd a firebomb was thrown inside the bus and exploded. As the Freedom Riders tried to escape the smoke and flames they found they could not as the exit doors were blocked by the surging mob. Just then one of the gas tanks exploded on the bus and the mob rushed back allowing the Freedom Riders to push the doors open and escape. As they exited the burning bus, the Freedom Riders rushed outside still choking from the thick smoke and were beaten by the waiting vigilantes. As lead pipes and baseball bats were swung, only an onboard undercover agent prevented the Freedom Riders from being lynched that day as he fired his gun into the air. Later that same day the Freedom Riders were beaten a second time as they arrived in Birmingham, Alabama.
But the Freedom Riders and those who Marched with MLK were far from the only ones to risk, and sometimes lose their lives for the cause of freedom.

- (Aug 4, 1964. Neshoba Country, Miss.) The bodies of three civil-rights workers—two white, one black—are found in an earthen dam, six weeks into a federal investigation backed by President Johnson. James E. Chaney, 21; Andrew Goodman, 21; and Michael Schwerner, 24, had been working to register black voters in Mississippi, and, on June 21, had gone to investigate the burning of a black church. They were arrested by the police on speeding charges, incarcerated for several hours, and then released after dark into the hands of the Ku Klux Klan, who murdered them.
But rather than rise to the challenge and call, so-called Liberal Media outlets such as
Mother Jones have
attacked Kennedy's article, using fuzzy logic and guilt by association techniques to bury it's significance. "There's nothing new, there are no credible sources...." Blah blah blah.
This entire debate reminds me of the running arguement between Bruno and Brian on the FX Reality show
Black. White. Each had dyametrically opposing view on the continued existence and relevence of racial discrimination in modern times. Bruno felt that is was "largely in the eye (or minds-eye) of the beholder", that what one person may interpret as a discriminator act was probably nothing - whereas Brian felt that racism surrounds us in our daily lives and we either choose to recognize it or ignore it. Ever since the passage of the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and the Public Accomodations Act - openly displaying and expressing racial bias has become literally a Federal Issue. People don't do it anymore, not among mixed company - hence Brian's frustration when trying to find his "racism". Real Racism has long ago gone deep - underground, and people who attempt to dig it out are often accuse of "playing the race card" to supposed hide their own failures.
Even on DKos when the subject of a suspected "Levee Bomb" in New Orleans was brought up - all
fricking hell broke loose.
Mama D said, she does not stand to get rich by lying before Congress. Unlike the oil execs. It was a gross display of cultural insensitivity. At one point, Shays said to Mama D, [paraphrase] "Let's not start speaking in tongues..."
A couple of faces in the background registered surprise and shock at that comment.
Yet again, the concerns and issues brought by survivers of Katrina were dismissed and derided. "The collapse of the levee couldn't have been deliberate" they say, and it couldn't have been racially targetted because it actually occured in a largely "white neighborhood". As if the levee's collapse wouldn't have a much larger impact on the predominantly black population of New Orleans - a few Whites in the way would have been just the same type of "collateral damage" that Andrew Goodman or tens of thousands of Iraqi Civilians have been over the last three years.
You have to realize just who you're dealing with here. The Ends Justifies The Means with these people, every time. The Neo-Conservative wing of the Republican Party is the New Klan, sneakier and more stealthy than the Old Klan- except their target isn't Blacks, it's Liberals and Democrats.
So it is with Election Fraud. The one political issue that makes all other issues irrelevant. If the vote doesn't count, nothing does. Those who argue that Election Fraud is a
serious and grave concern are branded "conspiracy theorist" just as Brian on
Black. White. was accused having a "chip on his shoulder". Such a "massive conspiracy" couldn't possibly function without being detected, right?
Ok, if that's true where was the
massive conspiracy that generated the
Black Codes and maintaind segregation for nearly 100 years after the ratification of the 14th Amendment? Not everyone was member of the Klan, but most people either knew better than to try and fight them, or simply prefered to deal with issues that affected themselves - not "those people - other there".
The fact is it wasn't a conspiracy at all, it was
right out in the fucking open. And the same is true with current election fraud issuse, the type of animus that very well could have driven a few individuals in key positions (Blackwell) and a few hundred more witting and unwitting accomplises to just cut a
few corners here and there and/or fail to speak up all in order to "Get them darn
Liberals" is all right in front our faces.
Far fetched? I don't think so. I think the amazing thing is the obviousness of it all.
Don't you know Liberals are the big bad boogeymen who want to "steal Christmas and God from you", the turncoats who only want "cut and run", refuse to "support our troops" and are ready to deliver your children into the hands of pedophiles and perverts. It's gotten so bad Liberals are afraid to be called Liberal. It's become a cuss word, an epithet.
They might was well be Filthy Niggers. Or Fags. Or Feminazis. (Oh wait, they kinda
are aren't they?
But as a matter of fact, they are far from anywhere near as dangerous as the right would proclaim. Liberals are confused and angry after years of this treatment, frustrated and just this close to turning on each other. (Which it actually does resemble many of my own Black brothers and sisters in South Central LA where I grew up).
However they
could be dangerous. The could finally begin to realize the threat that they and all of us face as this type of unrestrained self-righteous Hate-speach continues to foment in our nation. They could bond together, reigniting the type of coalition that fired the old civil rights movement. The movement that changed the nation as Bill Clinton points out.
the [60's] and the movement it spawned produced advances in civil rights, women's rights, a clean environment, workplace safety and oppurtunities for the poor.
And that ladies and gentleman - is exactly what Self-Righteous Right truly fears. The return of the Left. They view the world in zero-sum terms, like accountants. More power, access and oppurtunity for others - means less money, power and control by the old monied elites and their dynasties. The Bushes. The Hiltons. The Forbes. The Rockefellers, and all their cronies and syncophants in the Hamptons. All are fighting against the very realization of the American Dream itself, but the tide of history is in our favor. Ever since the Enlightenment of the 17th Century the societies of man have moved ever towards the preservation of greater freedom, not less.
Eventually, we shall overcome. Someday.
But Last year Rosie Parks died. This year saw the passing of
Coretta Scott King. Many of the old Civil Rights Warhorses are losing their steam (Rep. John Conyers being a notable exception). The time is coming where we will need to begin the planning and actualization of a new
Human Rights Movement.
A movement that focuses on spreading and protecting the basic and fully equal rights to election integrity, personal privacy, habeas corpus, trail by jury, freedom from torture, access to affordable healthcare, quality education, security, retirement protection, comprehensive sex education, preservation of reproduction rights and access to contraception along with an improved adoption and foster care system for alternative parenting options, an aggressively green energy policy, and the right to love and marry
one consenting adult of your choice for all persons, regardless of race, nationality, religous persuasion, gender or gender orientation.
A movement that fights are relentlessly as does the right, if not nearly as underhandedly.
We need to embrace who we are. We are the Fags. We are the Niggers. We are the Dykes, the Kikes, the Goyim, the Gaijin, the Rag-heads, the Geeks, the Freaks, Weirdos, Nutballs, and Moon-bats. We are also the bold, whom fortune will ultimately favor. The meek who
will enherit the Earth.
We're coming for our rights, and we're not stopping until we have them -- all of them. It won't be easy, it's going to be painful, difficult, dangerous, frustrating and thankless - but worth it.
Are you with me?