
Monday, January 30

The War Isn't Over

Today we accomplished something incredible. The Netroots, a lose coalition including the Young Turks, Air America, Thom Hartmann, Ed Schultz, Raw Story, DKos, Democratic Underground, Huffpost and Firedoglake managed to swing 20 or so votes in the Senate from sitting on the sidelines to supporting a Filibuster of Judge Samuel Alito. We did it with blood, sweat, tears and passion. The worst thing we can do is let that passion go to waste in frustration and despair.

This was merely a test of our potential. Most of these sites and resources barely existed a year ago, none of them were hear two years ago. From nothing - we shifted 1/5 of the Senate.

That is HUGE!

I was impressed by what we accomplished, and was proud to be a part of it.

The last thing we can do is stop now. We should consider this is excellent dry run. There will be many other issues that need to be addressed in the future, the full investigation of Katrina and it's aftermath, accountability for $Billions that have been wasted lost and squandered in Iraq, the elusive Phase II inquiry, what really happened in Gitmo and Abu Ghraib, the Secret Detention Centers and of course, the NSA Domestic Spying program.

Most importantly, our "leaders" came to us for help. Both John Kerry and Ted Kennedy recognized our potential -- we need to remember how pivotal that shift from beltway insider wisedom to Netroots empowerment really is.

Tonight and Tomorrow, we need to keep up the calls, faxes and emails. Tell every Democratic Senator who supported the filibuster that we appreacate them, tell Dems who didn't to watch their backs because now, were watching them - and hammer each and every Moderate Republican (Snowe, Voinovich, Hagel) with the *FACT* that Alito and his support of the Unitary Executive is so great a danger to the delicate balance of power in our Republic, that we just might tumble into neo-facism.

We've just barely begun to let ourselves be heard. We have just begun to build phone, email and fax contacts lists. Just begun to assemble boiler-plate counter spin talking points. The right wing has had 20 years head start and practice at this, but we can catch up. We can beat them.

Just watch us.


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