Video (Warning:If you are humor-challenged or can't see the video, just stop reading now - your blood pressure will thank me later)
Ok, so let's just be the first to admit it. The Democratic Nominee for President in 2008 is a Nig....!
Just listen to Hillary Clinton.
“I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on,” she said in the interview, citing an article by The Associated Press.
It “found how Senator Obama’s support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me.”
“There’s a pattern emerging here,” she said.
Oh, No she D'int!
Oh yeah. She did, but the funny part is that all she did her was repeat what the Press has been doing for months.
Just do a search on Yahoo News for "Obama, White Voters, Polls" and this is what you get.
1. >Obama Faces White Resistance In South, Polls Show - Politics on The ...
Obama Faces White Resistance In South, Polls Show - The Huffington Post ... Obama did less well among white voters nationally in a CBS poll released January ... - 87k - Cached
2. Voters question Clinton's trustworthiness. - By Chadwick Matlin - Slate ...
... Times/CBS News poll says the country prefers Barack Obama to Hillary Clinton by 12 ... Six percent of Democratic primary voters think Obama is a Muslim. ... - Cached
3. Obama Support Among "Bitter" Voters Unchanged
... poll can help address the issue directly because it asks voters if ... to live in small towns, Obama probably had white voters in mind when he made his ...
4. Election Center 2008: Primary Exit Polls - Elections & Politics news ...
... .com delivers the latest exit polls for the Democratic and Republican ... The Political Ticker • Barack Obama • Hillary Clinton • John McCain • more topics " ... - Cached
5. ABC News: White Working-Class vs. Change in Indiana
EXIT POLL: White Working-Class vs. Change in Indiana; Blacks Lift Obama to N.C. Victory ... 51 percent of voters picked it, and they went to Obama by about his ... - 94k
6. ABC News: PA exit polls: Whites, blue-collar voters stick with Clinton
Working-class white voters rallied around Hillary Rodham Clinton on Tuesday as ... Survivor: Clinton Closes In on Obama. WATCH: Rocky Road to the White House ... - 93k
7. Obama struggle to attract white voters continues
... in Denver is whether Obama's weakness with white voters could endure and spell ... The poll found that white voters who say equal rights for minorities have been ... - 56k - Cached
8. Clinton Hangs On, Obama Drops in Polls, With Negative Media Attention ...
... well Clinton and Obama do relative to each other among White voters when each is ... percentage of White voters who will not vote for Obama based solely on ... - Cached
9. Voters agree Wright furor hurt Obama : Politics : Commercial Appeal
Black and white voters in next week's primary states agreed on one thing on Wednesday: Barack Obama's preacher had hurt the Democratic presidential candidate at a ... - Cached
10. Polls: Obama falters with working-class whites - Barack Obama News ...
... Barack Obama discusses his connection with working-class white voters with NBC's ... In exit polls, one in five of the state's white voters who haven't completed ... - Cached
Far from being a taboo subject, this issue has been constantly debated since both Rev. Wright and Bitter-gate.
How does Obama win back the Springer Vote? How is he going to appeal to the Double-Wide Demographic?
Don't look so shocked, we all know what we're talking about here. White, Working-class, un and under-educated. C'mon. Where do you really think these people can afford to live? A condo? Who do you think Rush Limbaugh is talking to day in and day out?
Some of my best friends used to enjoy semi-mobile living conditions. Really.
The sad part about this discussion isn't the fact that it's being discussed, it's that it's being portrayed as some kind of failure on Barack's part! instead of the very obvious implication that we still, even in the 21st Century, have some dumb-ass reactionary redneck's left in this country.
Again, don't get all offended - isn't that the core idea behind Jeff Foxworthy's entire career?
- You might be a Redneck if...?
You won't vote for the Black man for President, even when he's the best candidate, he's won the popular vote, he's (practically) won the delegate vote and he's won the most states.
I thought that was the entire point behind CMT. and "Blue-Collar TV"?
Instead of asking, gee - what the hell is wrong with these people? - the press has been putting all the blame in Barack's lap?
And now that Hillary is echoing them, people are up in arms?
- Oh my God, the
Just figuring that out now are ya? Very astute. But Guess what...
- Oh my God, the Country's Full of Ignorant Red-Necks too...!
Which of course, according to the Press, would be Clinton's base.
But here's the really interesting thing that the Press and Hillary haven't said, something that our own DemfromCT pointed out last week.
Since July 2006, long before both Bitter-Gate and Rev. Wrong, Barack Obama's favorability has actually maintained a net 5 points gain in support from White Voters, Hillary has lost 36 points from the Black Vote.

I wonder why the Press doesn't ask "What in the world is Hillary going to do about her Black Voter problem?"
Instead we get all this blather about how we're supposed to expect Black people to vote not based on issues, or facts, but skin color.
- Y'know - cause they're just naturally racist. They see everything through the prism of color. It's in their blood, don't cha know?
Never mind the fact that both Bill and Hillary used to have massive support Black Voters. Why doesn't the Press ask - What went wrong sour between Hill and Black people?
Oh wait, they did ask that and the answer was - Bill.
But White people, when they reject a perfectly good Black candidate it's got nothing to do with race - except for everything! You see, he's too leftist and radical (A hidden Black Panther), he's too elitist (Uppity!), Educated (Effete!), and he' too damn Muslim (Barack Hussein Obama - Farrakhan and Hamas' new Puppet President!) and we shouldn't bother to call them out on it. No, don't even think about it. Don't get them all riled up by saying they're "bitter" or anything...
That's like tossing raw meat at a starving dog.
For those who can't take a hint: /Snark Off!
It's about time we started realizing that we have some big big problems in this country and it's not all the black peoples fault, nor is it all the white peoples fault. It's our fault if we let ourselves be manipulated in this way. If we fail to see the obvious. If we let injustice happen in our laps and just brush it away.
We need to admit that Racism for a minority of say 17% of Democratic Voters in the South has become acceptable. It's expected now.
We have to do better than this. This isn't just Barack's problem, it's a problem for all of us.
We need to get enraged and fight back not just because Hillary repeats this nonsense, we need to fight back All the Time when the media repeatedly attempts to pit us all against each other.
We need to fight fear with truth.
Black people are not slaves to their skin-tone, and White people - even the "uneducated" ones - are a lot smarter and a lot less racist and reactionary than everyone from ABC to FOX seems to think.
Barack can get the White Vote back, in fact he's already started to - and if Hillary keeps insulting her own "base", she's going to lose all of it.
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