
Friday, November 30

The End of America meets O'Reilly

It's truly amazing to me that Kascich, who is a former Congressman, apparently doesn't know that the Secret Prisons were revealed in 2005 by the Washington Post and there are *Not* Gitmo. Some of them literally are in the Gulag's of the former Soviet Union.

He doesn't know that the CIA has openly admitted to using internationally banned techniques such as Waterboarding. They aren't just "holding" these combatants, they're torturing them.

He mentions that the courts have ruled against the President, but he doesn't seem to recognize that they ruled that "Enemy Combatants" ARE protected by Geneva.

If we've tortured them, and we have, it was (and is) a War Crime.

When Naomi mentions the rise of "private armies" - Kascich honestly doesn't think - Blackwater? C'mon. He knows better, he's just doing his good little Fox Faux News Duty of trying to backfill and cover Bush's well exposed hiney.

Typical. Pitiful. And Total Fox.


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