
Saturday, August 25

Nugent Calls for Violence Against Democrats

Nugent: I was in Chicago last week I said, "Hey Obama, you might want to suck on one of these, you punk?" Obama, he’s a piece of shit and I told him to suck on one of my machine guns. Let’s hear it for them. I was in New York and I said, "Hey Hillary, you might want to ride one of these into the sunset you worthless bitch." Since I’m in California, I’m gonna find Barbara Boxer she might wanna suck on my machine guns. Hey, Dianne Feinstein, ride one of these you worthless whore.

I had to go back and check, yes he did say "Obama" and not "Osama"!

Now, I happen to be a musician and guitarist - so I'm more than passingly familiary with "The Nudge" and I have to point out that although this commentary is really amazingly bad, it's 1) Made while Ted is Wearing a Machine-Gun Shaped Guitar (Yes, he's that thick!), 2) "Suck on this" is clearly a single-sexual-entendre not neccesarily a call to real violence or harm and 3) Ted isn't really bright enough to have an informed political opinion.

Still... the scary part isn't what Ted says, or what he may have really meant, it's the crowd's howling reaction of support that should get everyone's attention.

Also it's probably fair to look at in comparison to what happened when the Dixie Chicks merely said they were "Embarrised that George Bush was from Texas", which resulted in their songs being pulled from radio, being crushed in public displays, boycotts, demonstrations and death threats.

Somehow, I doubt that Ted's threatening two Presidential Candidates - just like some posters on Bill O'Reilly.com - is going to get the attention of the Secret Service.

But it should.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ded nugent is a worthless piece of shit. I read that when his chance came up to "serve" in 'nam he stopped ALL forms of hygiene a month before induction. Two weeks before induction he quit taking his pants down to piss or crap & went to the bathroom in his clothes. With all his ranting about "aim for the laundry" when it was HIS time to enlist, he'd rather crap his pants (for TWO WEEKS) than put HIS worthless cowardly life on the line. Ded nugent is almost as (& in some ways WORSE) bad of a cowardly chickenshit chickenhawk as Usurper-in-Thief ('NAM ERA SILVERSPOON DUTY DESERTER)bu$h & VICE USURPER (FIVE DRAFT DEFERMENTS CHICKENSHIT CHICKENHAWK) cheney.