
Tuesday, October 3

What if it was one of your kids?

I don't really have to ask this question. My wife's son from her first marriage has already lived through exactly what these pages have gone through - and worse. His own father molested him.

He didn't want to admit it for a long time. But the medical evidence was conclusive. Later, and again some in the family didn't want to admit it, the sonuvabitch tried to rape my wife's sister.

And yet people didn't say anything. Her nephews who pull the bastard off their own mother said nothing. They let it go on... and on. Nobody told my wife until after she finally left the bastard and took her son with her.

Former Rep. Foley has admitted he was himself molested as a child by a member of the clergy. My feeling on this are as those spoken William Petersen as FBI analyst Will Graham in the 1985 film Manhunter (the Michael Mann precursor to "Silence of the Lambs") .. "As a child, my heart bleeds for him. Someone took a little boy and turned him into a monster. But as an adult... as an adult, he's irredeemable."

I admit that Foley may not quite be that far gone. He clearly needs help, But still these people, Foley, Hastert and Beohner have betrayed and failed our young. They've betrayed the most vulnerable among us. Give them a blastocyst to rally around and they'll move heaven and earth. Give them a poor brain-dead woman, and they'll stop time and magically pull the President away from his glorious vacation clearing brush on his horseless, cowless, ranch. But give them real live breathing and thinking children... and they fail. Every time.

They make excuses. It's the Democrats fault, even though not a single democrat was even made aware of what was going on. Tolerance and Diversity of gays is to blame, if only they could have really nailed that GAY BASTARD FOLEY. (What and lose a prime House seat in Palm Beach, FL -- are you kidding?) It's the media's fault, because ABC want's to make up for 5 hours of LIES on the 5th anniversary of 9-11.


This is the truth and they can't handle the fucking truth.

They failed our children in the House of Representatives. Imagine having such a wonderful oppurtunity to actually serve democracy, to be part of the Constitutional process - only to be betrayed this way?

They've failed our children in the schools with their ridiculous "No Child Left Behind Act", a program so riddled with failure they had to pay so-called journalists to shill for it. They've failed them with deliberate Sex Mis-education which has nothing if not put more young people at risk of pregnancy and STD's. They've heaped a mountain debt upon the backs of the young, while dancing off to Scotland golf courses - and the brothels of Saipan - laughing with their tax cut kick-backs and lobbyist lucre.

And they've failed our young soldiers fighting their wars of ego and hubris in Iraq, with insufficent armor and contaminated water.


The excuses have to stop, right F-ing now. I'm sick of this shit.

You should be too.


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