
Friday, March 21

Chris Wallace Defends Barack Obama over "Typical White Woman" comment

This morning Fox News Sunday Host Chris Wallace, the man who didn't seem to know who really ignored the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole, took the three Fox and Friends host to task for two hours of Barack Bashing

Hey listen, I love you guys but I want to take you to task if I may, respectfully, for a moment. I have been watching the show since 6:00 this morning when I got up, and it seems to me that two hours of Obama bashing on this typical white person remark is somewhat excessive and frankly I think you’re somewhat distorting what Obama had to say.

Exactly when this guy learned to think clearly I don't know, but it's nice to see.

Wallace Continued.

Far be it for me to be a spokesman for the Obama campaign, and I will tell you that they would laugh at that characterization, but you know, the fact is that after giving a speech on race earlier this week, on Tuesday, he gave a major speech on Iraq on Wednesday and a major speech on the economy yesterday. And so, I think they would say that in terms of deflecting attention away from the issues people really want to hear about, maybe it’s the media doing it, not Barack Obama.


Chris is absolutely correct about Obama's two Iraq speeches, and the fact that they received almost zero media coverage.

The simple fact is that the "media's been doing it all" along. They been going after Obama over comments such as "Chicken's coming home to roost" when right-wingers like Dinesh D'souza has written an entire book blaming the cultural left for 9/11.

It's good to have an actual discussion of race that is more than just a finger-pointing contest, and I for one am frankly glad to see at least someone on Fox News can put down their ideological blinders for a moment and actually speak to the core elements of the issue.

Yes, there are White people who are afraid of young black people. Hell, there are black people (like Jesse Jackson) who are afraid of young black people. This fact contributes to a cycle of negative treatment, they get followed around in stores, they got over scrutinized by police, they get convicted more, and sentenced longer... all of which feeds back into the fear.

What we really need to do is start talking about dismantling that perpetual fear engine by taking it apart link-by-link. But at least this is a start.

Usually you would expect Fox to continue cheerleading the Surge, even on a day when it appears that the Sunni Awakening Forces are GOING ON STRIKE FOR NON-PAYMENT.

Leading members of the 80,000-strong Sahwa, or awakening, councils have said they will stop fighting unless payment of their $10 a day (£5) wage is resumed. The fighters are accusing the US military of using them to clear al-Qaida militants from dangerous areas and then abandoning them.

If they can have an honest discussion of Barack Obama, maybe they can finally have an honest discussion about what happens, not when our troops pull out, but when our pay-off checks to former Sunni and Shia insurgents and terrorists start to bounce.


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