
Friday, September 28

Leave Bill O'Reilly Alone!!

Ah, yes the great ability of YouTube to allow Freepers to rant and rave.

Ladies and Gentlemen we have just had our "Leave Bill O'Reilly Alooonnneeee!" moment.

Today I want to talk about Keith Olberman, I hardly watch the guy but when I do I get sick to my stomach. That guy is a just a lying peice of shit. And what's wrong with him? Why is he mentally ill? Why is he so obsessed with Bill O'Reilly. MSNBC should fire this asshole, or they should put him into therapy

Y'see Bill O'Reilly is the victim here. His comments have been distorted by the Olbermann and the press. Billy is just trying to help black America by showing that their are alternatives to Gangsta Rap like Snoop Dogg.

Yeah, ok - that's like a newsflash isn't it?

As I've written in detail here, O'Reilly's core arguement is that the real problem with Black America is their missing fathers, it's not racism, it's not discrimination, it's not the ongoing legacy of racial profiling that keeps able bodied black men from finding keeping jobs and from being railroaded into our jails the way that the Jena 6 have been, the No Child Left Behind Act which has shoved thousands of minority kids out of school, or abstinence only programs which don't work. - y'know as Jesse Jackson pointed out on The Factor last night.

Jackson: 70 percent of all drug users in Illinois are white and 13 percent are black. But prison is 66 percent black and less than 10 percent white.

O'REILLY: 'Cause it's easier to catch them. They don't have lawyers. They -- you know. You know that poverty drives this and if you don't have enough money to pay a lawyer, you're going to get convicted. You know all of that.

JACKSON: Well, I guess, but most Americans don't know. They've assumed those in jailed are the most guilty, and those who are out are the most innocent.


O'REILLY: Reverend, let's get down to this, all right? Let's stop all this stuff. Here's what's driving the expulsion, the crime, and the poverty in the black community. You want to know what's driving it? No fathers in the home. Seventy percent of black babies are born out of wedlock in this country -- 70 percent, as opposed to 25 percent for whites. That's what's behind it, Reverend. That's what's behind all of these problems. And that's what has to be addressed.

No, Jesse. Y'see the big problem with Black people is that their addicted to playing the "Victim Card" according to O'Reilly and his buddy Juan Williams. This he says while crying and whining that the news media has - wait for it - made him a Victim!!

O'REILLY: Many white Americans fear blacks. That's the truth. And that's why things don't get done faster than they should get done -- because many whites won't say what they feel to blacks, won't ask blacks questions, won't try to understand blacks because they're afraid to be demonized --

JACKSON: But, Bill --

O'REILLY: -- if they say something wrong.

JACKSON: But, Bill, blacks have more reason to fear whites than the other way around.

O'REILLY: Maybe so, but we are all Americans.

JACKSON: Yeah, because --

O'REILLY: We are all Americans.

JACKSON: -- whites have never been enslaved by blacks. Whites have never been locked out in Jim Crow laws. So, this is an unfounded fear of blacks.

O'REILLY: I agree. It's unfounded. And then I tried --

JACKSON: But -- but --

O'REILLY: I tried to allay that fear, and I got smashed unfairly for doing it. I'm on your side. I want the white Americans to understand that the mainstream black American is no different than they are.

Geez, now you know how we Black Folk feel Bill - how's it taste? What's the matter, kind of bitter?

Suck it up, punk ass. That's what you say black people should do, right?

But here's America's real dirty little secret. The innocent (and the poor) got to prison, while the guilty (and the rich) go free. We use our prisons as a form of human traffiking where the prohibitions against slave labor do not apply. Slavery didn't end, it just gained a judicial stamp of approval. Just look at the 208 people who've been exonerated via the Innocence Project. Over 200 juries thought they were all guilty too, but they weren't. If we had DNA evidence for all 2 Million people in our prisons - thousands of them would go free. Call me crazy, but I think this tends to kind of Fuck up the Family. I'm just saying.

But No - no, it's not any of that stuff. It's all gotta be Black peoples own fault, and no one else has any responsibility it. None. See, now Rich White Conservative people whose families have all benefited from the legacy of sweat and pain of black people's work for over 400 years are now absolved of all guilt and the need to lift a finger to help out. Poof. Problem solved.

Yeah, sure - that makes sense.

Doesn't it just make you want to laugh until you cry?


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