
Thursday, August 2

Why O"Reilly will never understand Dkos or Democracy

In the last few weeks Dailykos has become the latest target of serial propogandist Bill O'Reilly who has repeatedly attacked the site as being "vile" and "filled with hate", but his real target has been the Democratic Presidential front-runners who have dared to appear at this weeks YearlyKos Conference.

By smearing Kos, he smears them en masse.

We all understand this, and today Democratic Presidential Candidate Chris Dodd will make this point loud and clear on O'Reilly's own show.

However, there's another less obvious but actually more important reason the Dkos has become the target of O'Reilly - one which no matter how hard they try, BillO and his fans will never truly understand.

Bill O'Reilly doens't understand the first thing about Dkos.

For one thing, the picture he's gotten so hot and bothered about can't even be posted onto the site. It would have to be hosted by an image site such as flickr or photobucket for bandwidth concerns first, which it isn't.

The date the pic was uploaded that this particular directory was July 30th, so how has it supposed been on the site for "a year?" (I'm not saying it hasn't, just that this version hasn't been and can't be shown on the site now)

Secondly, the picture is clearly an editorial cartoon which is clearly protected under frespeach rules as shown unanimous Flynt v Falwell Supreme Court decision.

Someone of us may not like it or agree with it, but it's clearly protected speech.


It's easy to understand that many among us, front-pagers included, have responded to O'Reilly attack with an impressive counter-attack of our own.

We've hit him for being a hypocrit who talks about the "hate" of Kos while sprewing his own special and piping hot brand of venom on others with whom he disagrees with fairly regular abandon.

We've pointed out at length the details of court documents showing that his own behavior with subordinate co-workers has been the very definition of "vile".

We've even had one Kossack - of his own volition - personally visit O'Reilly at his home and challenge him on these very points.

It's been a lively battle with the Yearlykos site losing the JetBlue Logo (but not their support) while O'Reilly's site has lost the support of both Lowe's and Home Depot and gained the attention of the Secret Service, but the battle itself isn't the point.

Dailykos represents and displays something that O'Reilly and his authoritarian ilk simply can't abide.

On most sites, O'Reilly's included, when someone makes a comment or posts an image that is considered "out of bounds" there is a cadre of moderators - officials - who have the specific job of policing the site, deleting the offending content and if required banning the user.

It's a top down heirarchy.

The site owners and managers dictate and everyone else must obey or suffer the consequences. It's a structure that power whores like O'Reilly are comfortable with, but that's not exactly how Dkos works.

When Mike Stark announced his visit to O'Reilly's home in retaliation to his attacks - the Dkos community was not entirely pleased with him. The community rebuked his actions.

Although it has to be said that view was far from universal.

The point here is that unlike most sites where the moderators are the ones controlling things - we control things ourselves. By the use of the Recommend/Troll system individual users can gain the power to block offensive or objectional material without the invervention of the powers from on high.

Guess what Bill, there's actually stuff on Kos that's much worse than anything you've ever imagined or claimed but you can't see it because we've already taken care of it.

Most of it is simply right-wing partisan talking points and attempts to bait us into a petty arguement such as these.

fisa (0+ / 5-)

I believe congress should be involved with fica as far a information not control. To leave the Attorney General out of the mix is impossible would never happen. With respect to Impeachment of the Attorney General will never happen. Your inherent contempt of Harriett Miers for being contemptuous to Congress is nothing more than what Bill Clinton or Jimmy Carter would do.Why are we wasting our time on tying to destroy our President and our Country no laws have been broken.It is disgraceful!

by ryan7777


Why do Liberals hate America? (0+ / 7-)

Why do you hate everything about this Country? You bitch about freedom and yet stand ready to take away my right to speak out against abortion or homosexually or even my right to defend myself.
Your people voted for this war based upon the intell at the time but now it's ok for Hillary to bash the war and Bush. Bush has admitted mistakes where is his rights?

by potassiumnitrate

But every once in a while you get this...

Someone who has to stick their foot in a bucket (0+ / 5-)

5 times a day to preserve their immortal soul is an idiot.

by tigercourse


* [new] How do you people... (0+ / 5-)

manage to butter a slice of bread without cutting your arm off? Do you have government employees there to keep you safe?

by DixonBalzer

If you haven't been on Dkos for a while and become a "trusted user" by gaining the respect of others, you won't even see these comments - but they're there.

On Kos the People literally have the power and that's what genuinely frightens O'Reilly. We have become a media force of our own, we do our own research, we gather our own facts, we submit our own editorial content - without the filtering of the elite overlords such as O'Reilly - but that hasn't made us "all powerful".

Billy likes to claim that the Democratic candidates are the one "running scared" of Kos - but if that were true most of them would have already endorsed the Impeachment of George W. Bush which happens to e a very big subject around here.

If we had the power O'Reilly thinks we have, John Conyers wouldn't have shown Cindy Sheehan the door when she came to his office to insist on that very thing last month. Her ultimatum would have been headed and she wouldn't now be planning to run against Nancy Pelosi.

We are powerful, but not that powerful - not yet.

On the other hand the right-wing has had it's own pseudo-equivelent to Kos and the Netroots for quite some time, and that is Right-wing Radio.

It was Right-Wing Radio that torpedoed the nomination of Harriet Miers to the bench. It was Right-Wing Radio that scuttled the Immigration Bill. A small group of elites, including Limbaugh, Malkin and - Bill O'Reilly - managed to set the agenda by stirring up their loyal synchophants and setting them loss upon the pour unsuspecting Congress people and President.

On DKos - the opposite happens.

THE PEOPLE come together, debate, argue and eventually find consensus to proceed forward on a particular issue. Nobody, sometimes not even Kos, tells us what to do or how to do it. We're figuring that out on our own.

Every once in a while someone like John Conyers or John Kerry, or John Edwards will come here to rally support for a particular issue - but generally, we make our own decisions, we manage our own backyard - we don't take orders or cower to threats from people like Bill O'Reilly.

Y'see if you want to really piss off a Bully - all you have to do is stand up to him, particular if you don't stand alone - right Senator Dodd?

We're standing right here, Bill - the Democratic Candidates, who unlike you all understand the power of personal politics and are standing right besides us - neither we nor they are going anywhere.

Y'know what that burning feeling is at the bottom of your blackened heart, Bill?

It's fear - and frankly, you should be scared. Very scared, because the people here and all over the rest of this country are going to completely transform your world.

Count on it.


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