
Friday, December 22

Prager, Goode, The New Intolerance and the Soldiers of God

Music by Disturbed - "Diefy"

In recent days we've had one-right wing radio host accuse Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN) of trying to Undermine American civilization by being sworn in with his hand on the Quran instead of the Bible.

Nevermind the fact that no congressman is EVER sworn in with thier hand on the Bible.

Now we have Congressman Virgle Goode (R-VA) stating we need to better restrict immigration in order to prevent a majority of Muslims from being elected to Congress - except for the fact that Keith Ellison is not an immigrant!

Keith Ellison is an African-American.

Mr. Ellison dismissed Mr. Goode’s comments, saying they seemed ill informed about his personal origins as well as about Constitutional protections of religious freedom. “I’m not an immigrant,” added Mr. Ellison, who traces his American ancestors back to 1742. “I’m an African-American.”

Since the November election, Mr. Ellison said, he has received hostile phone calls and e-mail messages along with some death threats. But in an interview on Wednesday, he emphasized that members of Congress and ordinary citizens had been overwhelmingly supportive and said he was focusing on setting up his Congressional office, getting phone lines hooked up and staff members hired, not on negative comments.

“I’m not a religious scholar, I’m a politician, and I do what politicians do, which is hopefully pass legislation to help the nation,” said Mr. Ellison, who said he planned to focus on secular issues like increasing the federal minimum wage and getting health insurance for the uninsured.

But raising the minimum wage seems to be exactly what Goode is afraid of.

Rep. Virgil H. Goode Jr., R-5th, said in a statement, "Increasing the minimum wage in America will be a magnet for illegal aliens to come to this country. We do not need a strong magnet to lure illegals here."

His further comments on immigration and Muslims:

I do not subscribe to using the Koran in any way. The Muslim Representative from Minnesota was elected by the voters of that district and if American citizens don’t wake up and adopt the Virgil Goode position on immigration there will likely be many more Muslims elected to office and demanding the use of the Koran.

The Ten Commandments and “In God We Trust” are on the wall in my office. A Muslim student came by the office and asked why I did not have anything on my wall about the Koran. My response was clear, “As long as I have the honor of representing the citizens of the 5th District of Virginia in the United States House of Representatives, The Koran is not going to be on the wall of my office.”

Meanwhile Prager, who is Jewish and had been appointed by President Bush to be a U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council has had his comments about Ellison rebuffed by a resolution from that Executive Commitee of that very council.


WHEREAS, the United States Holocaust Memorial Council, the governing body of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, is charged with implementing the mission of the Museum as a living memorial to the victims of the Holocaust devoted to teaching the lessons of the Holocaust for the benefit of all mankind; and

WHEREAS, Dennis Prager, a member of the Council, has recently publicly expressed and disseminated certain statements which have been widely interpreted as being intolerant;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Executive Committee of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council, while recognizing that Dennis Prager has the right to express his personal views freely, disassociates itself from Mr. Prager’s statements as being antithetical to the mission of the Museum as an institution promoting tolerance and respect for all peoples regardless of their race, religion or ethnicity.

And for good measure, we have this incredible comment from yet another Congressional Representative, Rep Robin Hayes (R-NC) who thinks the solution in Iraq is to have our soldiers convert all the Muslims to Christianity.

“Stability in Iraq ultimately depends on spreading the message of Jesus Christ, the message of peace on earth, good will towards men. Everything depends on everyone learning about the birth of the Savior.”

Now this is so ignorant as to be just plain pathetic. Muslims happen to revere both the person and teachings of Jesus Christ. He is a prophet to them. They already know about his birth, they already know about his teachings.

So Jesus is a complete image of God. Qur'an says :"He is the Word(12)", this refers to Jesus. And Bible says:"The Word was with God and the Word became flesh to live among us..." (13) Jesus clearly stated that :"Me and the farther are One"(14).

Conclusion: Jesus, The almighty God and Holy Spirit are all One and this is the complete meaning of the unity. Ever since creation, God has determined for people to know him through many ways and methods. Messangers and prophets from Adam to Abraham and then Moses all prove of this divine will.

Where this all leaves us is in a very ugly place where naked bigotry and ignorance has begun to be openly expressed by members of the Holocaust Memorial and Congress.

This is an embarrisment to this nation.

But what's worse comments such as those made by Hayes only continue re-enforce the claims of radical muslims that American interest in the middle-east is nothing more than a New Crusade against Islam.

With this kind of talk Hayes just plays into the hands of Al-Qaeda by confirming what their leaders have always been saying: those American soldiers are just modern Crusaders.

And there just might be some truth to that charge if what has been occuring at the Air Force Academy is any indication.

Capt. MeLinda Morton is a prime example. A chaplain at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Morton has been trying her mightiest to end the force-fed evangelism that is rampant on campus. Rather than thanks, her outspoken defense of the Constitution has gotten her booted from her job and a one-way ticket to exile in Japan - known as "reassignment" in military speak.

Her fight against proselytizing is taking place in Colorado Springs - control central for the most radical elements of the Christian Right. James "tolerance is a homosexual plot" Dobson's Focus on the Family is based there - a concern so large that there is no need to use a street address on a letter. Also nearby is the Officers' Christian Fellowship, an organization whose express purpose is to create "ambassadors for Christ in uniform." Its slogan is: "Christian Officers Exercising Biblical Leadership to Raise up a Godly Military." (That's funny, the Taliban say something very similar.)

There is significant cross-pollination between the local evangelical groups and the Academy, to a point where cadets are reportedly cajoled, harangued and even bullied into being "saved."

As dangerous as al-Qeada may be - this radical bullying of Congressmen to conform to Christianity and proselytizing of our military to become "evangelical soldiers" just might be even more dangerous to the freedom thoughts and free worship of all of us, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Athiest and Agnostic.

And this is a fight none of us can afford to lose.


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