
Monday, August 21

Rock Star : Week 8 Reality

Today was Media Day at the mansion and much dirt was dished.

As part of their introduction and indoctrination into the Rock World the hamsters are given a press crash course. Technically this is probably a fairly light version of the real thing where an artist will have to do phone interviews with dozens of stations back to back. Most of the rockers handled it well, some didn't.

The toughest interviewer was clearly Jamie for LA's Star 98.7, who pulled no punches - commenting to Storm that she "had a handshake like a man". Questioning the commitment of various contestants and asking "Who can't you stand?" Most didn't answer, but Dilana did stating that she questioned Toby's commitment, felt Magni would rather be with his family, thought Patrice shouldn't be there, that Storm didn't like the Supernova song lyrics (Join the club, Stormie!!) and that Lukas was like two different people. "Sometimes I just want to pound him."

This of course became quite an issue once Jamie finally interviewed Lukas and hammered him on being the houses biggest jerk - according to Dilana. "She should mind her own business". Evenually Jamie who had already been called "Mean" by Magni came right out and called Lukas a "Dick". And he responded with "Go Fuck Yourself". Go Lukas, that Jamie was one sour pill. I'd almost suspect her of being a Supernova plant to test the hamsters, but on the other hand she seems like a natural born beeyotch. No artificial sweetners included.

Next up was song selection, this time with two original songs included. Immediately Ryan, Storm, Patrice and Toby jumped on it. Storm was willing to put on gloves and box, but Ryan just thought that was ridiculous. "I'm not fighting a girl". Yeah, but since she's got a handshake like a man, she probably has a punch like one too - and I think she knows it. Toby managed to get Dilana to run around the pool naked in revenge for last week so that he would let her sing "Every breath you take" - and Toby didn't even really want that song, he was happy with "Layla". Magni got "Smell like Teen Spirit".

Eventually the group all agreed to give one of the originals to Patrice, since she'd been in the bottom three so often and needed it the most. Not exactly highly competative behavior, but kinda cool and generous. Ryan got the other original. Storm kinda "wussed" and took the one song noone else could do - "Crazy" by Aerosmith. (Actually, Jill could've done it but she's long gone). "I can do anything". Well, yes - you can, but that doesn't mean Supernova going to like it. And you can absolutely guarantee that lyrics issue is going to come up during the performance show.

Based on the lyrics thing, I'm also going to reassess who I think some of the elite hamsters are - I had figured that Dilana was basically buggered after Supernova called her lyrics for the Supernova song "Cornball" - but then that would make their own version a "Cheeseball" pretty much. Dilana embrasses the velveeta, damn near swims in it. Some of the other Rockers apparently have taste, and standards and stuff.

This is all about who can Front the band. It's not so much about who technically sings the best (Magni), or who writes the best (Lukas), it's about who can become the figurehead for this band who already have their music and songs written? Who can bring these songs to life and embody them? In an overall sense, Dilana probably is the front runner - as Ryan admitted during his interview with Jamie - but that doesn't mean she has it completely locked up yet. Not hardly. Lukas and Storm still have the strongest fan support - and fans matter.

During rehearsals Magni had some problems as he struggled with the flu. Ryan's original song sounds really good, and unlike Zayra actually has a Supernova-ish sound to it. But the one looking at the biggest hurdle is Dilana, who apparently doesn't have any headvoice. (Falsetto). If you don't use it regularly, it's pretty difficult to just conjure up -- plus if you constantly sing with a growl and/or scream - I've found that it can burn your head voice out. Dilana's is long gone, and probably isn't coming back for a visit anytime soon. Trying to rekindle it she ended up sounding like a howling dog.

Lukas and Toby heard it from the Pool room and were practically in stitches laughing.

Hopefully for Dilana, the rest of us aren't going to be laughing tomorrow, since you don't really need falsetto voice to do "Every breath". I did it for voice class in college 20 years ago, great song - but not that tough.


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