
Saturday, May 6

It's too bad Patrick Kennedy didn't just shoot a lawyer in the face

From Democratic Underground

Because if he had, I don't think MSM would be so obsessed with the possibility that "preferential treatment" might have occurred at the time of the accident. If he had only shot a lawyer in the face, we wouldn't hear any discussion on TV about the possibility that he might have been drunk at the time of the accident. No discussion of how suspicious that no blood test was taken at the time of the accident.

No, if he had only blasted his hunting buddy's face off, we would have more time to spend on Patrick Fitzgerald meeting with Judge Walton on the Plame case. We might see top of the hour coverage on Porter Goss' resignation and the suspicious timing of it in connection with the intelligence link to the Watergate hooker scandal. Because it's not as if MSM would dare employ a double standard. Right?

I think we've all known for quite some time that there's a double-standard in the corporate media. Conservatives have been complaining, well - whining really, for decades about the "Liberal Media Bias". Exactly what that so-called bias ever entailed other than a failure to parrot some of their more psychotic double-speak like "cutting taxes raises revenue" and "providing poor people with food is bad for them" was never made clear.

But those days are long gone.

Now we have Paula Zhan on what used to be known as the Clinton News Network asking Ray McGovern what his "axe to grind" with Secretary Rumsfeld is? Stephen Colbert wasn't fall down on the floor funny - he was Rude, accoring to Richard Cohen. And we have Katie Couric practically frothing at the mouth when DNC Chairman Howard Dean (accurately) told her that the Jack Abramoff situation is "A Republican Scandal".

Sometimes the greatest media lapses are in what they don't ask, rather than in what they do. As noted by the DU poster, they were very quick to ask "why didn't Patrick Kennedy get a sobriety test?" but never did they really ask "why didn't Dick Cheney get a sobriety test - and why did he evade the police for 14 hours after shooting a man in the face?" Or better yet, why hasn't Dick Cheney recognized his obvious problem, as has Kennedy who admits he couldn't even recall the events of the previous night, and immediately checked himself into Whittington's Annonymous?

Any man who isn't satisfied after he shoots the first 50 pen-raised Quayle - then mistakes a 6-foot tall 70 year-old man for an 18-inch bird - clearly has a problem. The first step to recovery is admitting it.

I think we all understand that this kind of bias is the case, that progressive issues are rarely going to get a fair shake on Network or Cable News except on Olbermann, Daily Show or through the Colbert looking-glass. That's the deal, we know it.

We understand that the Washington Post hired, then very quickly fired a right-wing plagarist for "balance" and their so-called "Ombudsman" Deborah Howell still doesn't get it - so why should we be surprised when the News went Patrick Kennedy Mushuggah the other day?

Porter Goss retires as CIA director after less than two years amid indications and rumors that he's connected to Hookergate? Only to be replaced by Gen. Michael I-can-tap-you-if-I-want-to Hayden?

Ah, but none of that is a real story - because a KENNEDY got into a FENDER-BENDER!!!! See - his headlight is cracked, that's NEWS Baybee!

It's long past time we realized qualifies as News in this country.

    Britney Spears barefoot in a Gas Station Restroom? News!!

    Abortions and unwanted pregnancies rising among poor women due to lack of access to contraception? NOT News.

    Is Tom Cruise about to jump on another couch and bitch-slap Matt Laurer again? Film at 11!

    Jack Abramoff connected to Saipan Sweatshops? NOT News.

    Anna Nicole Smith at the Supreme Court - Anna Nicole Smith at the Supreme Court!! News

    Is Karl Rove about to be Indicted? NOT News.

    American Idol!! News!

    The President decides to ignore over 750 laws as he signs them? NOT News.

See it's easy, once you know the rules. The only odd thing is even with this incredibly lame reporting going on -- the President's approval ratings are in the toilet and circling the bowl. [Ap - 33%, CBS - 33%, USA Today - 34%, Fox - 38%?!]

Just imagine where the Republican Congress and President would be if the media was actually doing their jobs?

Most likely Answer: Out of a job and soon to be Impeached as of November.

What's your fantasy of how the Press should be behaving these days?


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