The New York Times is finally covering Downing Street II, and georgia10 has the scoop.
In respose to a kosser who stated "The majority of Americans are on the side of impeachment if it can be proved if Bush lied us into Iraq." I responded.The new Downing Street Memo isn't so new. Like previous documents, such as the original Downing Street Memo that stated flat out the evidence for war was being fixed around the policy of regime change, this document has been around in the foreign press and the blogosphere for a while. (See dkos diary on it here,). Nearly two months have passed since the newest memo came to public light. Its contents reiterate what dozens of official documents before it proved: Bush and Blair were hellbent on launching a war which they knew was in violation of international law. They were determined to lie and deceive the world into thinking Saddam Hussein possessed WMD, that he was an imminent threat. Prior to the meeting described in the document (which took place January 2003) the RAF and US military already were implementing a plan to provoke Saddam, doubling the rates of aerial bombings in Iraq during 2002 in an attempt to make Saddam respond. Apparently, this wasn't working fast enough. As this new document details, Bush and Blair decided to step up the provocation. They debated painting an American plane with U.N. colors to goad Saddam into firing it down. They talked of assassination. They conspired to manipulate evidence, to lie in their public statements to their people, to commit a war of aggression in violation of the public trust and the laws of the war.
This document confirms what a hundreds of previous pieces of evidence confirm: the President is a liar. When he told us on March 6, 2003 that "I've not made up our mind about military action," he lied. When he told us two days before Shock & Awe "no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised," he lied. When he told us that Saddam "abosolutely" had a banned weapons program, he lied. Whenever George W. Bush opened his mouth to talk about Iraq from Sept. 11, 2001 on, he lied. He lied and he lies to this very day.
It's already been proven.
The Iraq Force Resolution required the President to use all diplomatic means prior to going to War - he simply didn't do that. The inspectors were still on the ground telling us that our Intel on WMD's was Garbage, Saddam had already given us a declaration that said he had no WMD's, which the Dulfer report has proved he told us the truth - and we're still in Iraq Three Years Later?
The simply obvious truth that Bush has Lied us into a War can not be denied, and this new Downing Street Memo simply re-iterates that point.
People like O'Reilly like to claim that we should "ignore past mistakes", although those mistakes continue to pill up like dead fish on our beaches. He claims Bush deserves an "Apology" because Saddam kept the fact he had no WMD's left a secret even from his top generals, while ignoring the fact that he didn't keep it a secret from us - and we still went to War.
People like Coulter like to claim that we did it to end "the rape rooms", when no such humanitarian goals were listed in the Iraq Force Resolution and since we've taken over Iraq, our own military have used the exact same torture chambers that Saddam used for our own purposes.
The White House knew that their anti-terroprism strategy could lead to War Crimes Violations, and they went ahead and implemented it anyway.
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