This entire Dick Cheney shooting situation is just plain beyond belief.
Ok, first they say that Harry Whittington was just "Peppered" by some birdshot, the next thing we know he's having a near heart-attack from some pellets that just managed to "work it's way" to his heart muscle?
MSNBC, 2/14/06:
“If someone wants to help themselves to a beer,” she said, “they may, but I did not see anyone do that,” Armstrong says. She says she was not sure if there were beers in the coolers but wasn’t ready to rule it out: “There may be a beer or two in there, but remember not everyone in the party was shooting,” she told NBC News.
And then MSNBC scrubs this from their site. And just look at some of her other statments:
Scripps Howard News Service, 2/13/06:
None in the hunting party was drinking alcohol, said the owner, Katharine Armstrong. “No, zero, zippo and I don’t drink at all,” she said. “No one was drinking.”
LA Times, 2/14/06:
The party of 11 hunters set out in two trucks Saturday morning, driving around the mesquite-dotted property and shooting quail until about 12:30 p.m., said Anne Armstrong, co-owner of the ranch. Then they broke for a lunch of antelope, jicama salad and camp bread, washed down with Dr. Pepper.
Editor and Publisher, 2/15/06:
CNN today reports that Armstrong had told CNN she never saw Cheney or Whittington “drink at all on the day of the shooting until after the accident occurred, when the vice president fixed himself a cocktail back at the house.”
Several days later The Big Dick, Cheney goes onto the F-Word Network and admits that he did "have a beer at lunch", but that it was four or five hours befor the shooting took place - but of course we can't possibly determine if this is true or merely a minimization of the truth because the Secret Service turned back the Sheriff's Deputies when they arrived at the ranch. Cheney wasn't interviewed until almost 14 hours later - and any sobriety test, breathalizer or blood tests (which could have either cleared or incriminated him as being intoxicated) would have been useless.
Whittington was supposed to have been shot from 30 yards, but the spray pattern from head to chest is just about 2-feet - which suggests that he was shot from a much closer distance. (Let's see the CSI Freaks in the word try and explain that one) Note: Cheney stated to Brit Hume that it was only "30 Feet" not yards - so much for the accuracy of Ms. Armstrong who was supposed 100 yards (300 feet) at the time and still couldn't tell the difference between 30 yards and 30 Feet.
This is just flat out ridiculous. What are we supposed to believe that Cheney had a beer, but he just didn't swallow? How many times have we all seen someone on Cops say "I just had one beer with dinner." just before they slapped the cuffs on? And just how would the consumption of alcohol - even just a single beer - effect the medications that a man with multiple heart attacks like Cheney would undoubtably still have to be taking.
Unlike many who've criticized Cheney's Office for not informing the Press, that particular part of the story doesn't bother me as much as his avoidance of the police. Cheney attempting to ride in the ambulance with Whittington would have been a nightmare. It would have meant that a Secret Service detail, and a veritable motorcode would have had to travel with the ambulance. It would have been a madhouse. Cheney staying away, and letting the doctors and paramedics do their job was appropriate -- making it immediately public with an instant press conference before all the facts were known would have turned Whittington's hospital stay into a media circus and destroyed any desire for privacy by his friends and loved ones. But Cheney's ducking the cops isn't so easily ignored.
It almost makes one wonder if he had $10,000 a gun and disguise tucked away in a White Bronco for a fast dash to Mexico, just in case the Secret Service didn't back him up with the local Barney Fife Corp.
Think what an exciting episode of Police Chase caught on Film that would have made.
This is Cheney's Chappaquiddick. He's never gonna live this down. I don't care what happens, it's never going away. That 14-hour gap is going hang over him like dark fart cloud. He'll never be able to have a Press Conference, without pre-screening the crowd and the questions again. Ever. People forget that there was an investigation of Ted Kennedy's accident back in the 60's, that he plead guilty to leaving the scene of an accident and was sentenced to probation. Cheney was convicted of drunk driving twice after he dropped out of Yale in 1961 - for excessive drinking!.
And now he's Drunk with Power. Talk about failing your way upwards.
This is the same Dick Cheney who lobbied the Congress agressively to justify torture, and is currently lobbying them over the NSA Spying program. He thinks it's justified to ignore U.S Federal Laws against torture, the Uniform Code of Military Justice regulations against "Maltreatment", not to mention the 4th Amendment and allow the creation of a terrorist watchlist that currently includes an estimated 325,000 names, but he can't be bothered with answering questions from the Sherriff after he shoots someone in the frigging face?
"I love my people. I love my people. Pull!" BLAM!
Incredible. Just freaking incredible.
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