The truth of that statement grows clearer and clearer, especially as we watch the GOP gradually disintegrate. Case in Point - The Dick Cheney:
This he says despite the gradual increase in the numbers of U.S. Soldiers killed and wounded in Iraq, and the insurgents being emboldened by the Lebanon/Israel war.REPORTER: About a year ago, you said that the insurgency in Iraq was in its final throes. Do you still believe this?
CHENEY: I do. What I was referring to was the series of events that took place in 1995 [sic – 2005]. I think the key turning point when we get back 10 years from now, say, and look back on this period of time and with respect to the campaign in Iraq, will be that series of events when the Iraqis increasingly took over responsibility for their own affairs.
To Cheney we're still in the "last throes" while Chuck Hagel says we're in the midst of "A very defined Civil War". (Note: The left sure has grown pretty wide wings if it now includes Republican Senator Chuck Hagel!)
People like Cheney, Rumseld, Rove, Gonzales and Bush are clearly impervious to reason. Divorced from fact and reality. They don't live in the same world we do. I've come to the conclusion that they are sufferring from a low grade form of Dementia. They see things they way they want to - facts be damned. Their incessant happy talk about Iraq and Afghanistan isn't just a political pose - it's nigh-psychotic.
Now it may seem rude to ascribe psychologic problems to those whom you disagree with - but it's not like they haven't been doing it to those in the center and left for a long time.
To them, if you don't see things their way you must be suffering from what Charles Krauthhammer describes as Bush Derangement Syndrome.
The acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency -- nay -- the very existence of George W. Bush.Those who criticize the Adminstration are trapped in an obsessive fixation and hatred of all things wrought Bush. You're a tree-hugging, kumba-yah singing, burkenstock wearing, Michael Moore-loving, cut and running leftie. You're soft. Weak. You simply don't understand the hard realities of the world. We have to be tough to fight these terrorists. We have to use each and every means at out disposal to the fullest and put the Constitution and Geneva Conventions on the back burner until we achieve final victory (whatever that is.)
Sorry Charles, but that's just plain nuts, and it's hightime we gave this disease a name.
Bullshit Addiction Syndrome (BAD): the acute inability to recognize the total complete bullcrap of the Bush Administration and NeoCon-wing, and the obsessive need to have it continually shovelled on top of you by Faux News, Right-wing radio, The Washington Times and the Weekly Standard- 24/7.It's practically an epidemic. And some of these BAD people having serious trouble aren't those you would expect, like John McCain who today said : "Most Americans — when they are asked ‘do you want to set a date for withdraw [for Iraq]?’ — they say no.” Meanwhile the most recent polls say that 57% of Americans want a Timetable for Withdrawal. I guess 57% isn't "Most" in McCain-World, but it is for the rest of us.
Those of you who still have hard-core Conservative and Republican friends know what I'm talking about. Perfectly intelligent people they are, but when faced with an inconvention and uncontrovertable fact their minds go into overtime to either reconcilie it with their chosen fantasy world-view - or else they simply ignore it.
"No WMD's in Iraq? Well, didn't Rick Santorum himself go out into the desert and find them? (Nope).
Well ok, we didn't go into Iraq because of WMD or Nukes anyway, we went there to Liberate the Iraqi people from a tyrant and eliminate the "Rape Rooms" - it's right here in the Iraq Force Resolution. (Uh, no it isn't...dude. The IFR was almost entirely on UN resolutions which Saddam had already complied with and told us so. We didn't listen. "Rape Rooms" were never mentioned.)
And and while we're there we might as well treat the Iraqis the same way that Saddam did, for their own safety and security, of course."
They say people who want the President to follow the law are hurting America. They claim the law and the Constitution is too restrictive, and that tying the President's hands with it simply helps the Terrorists and "Al Qaeda types" - but that somewhere buried in that very same Constitution, under Article II, the President has the authority as "Commander in Chief" to pretty much to any damn thing he feels like doing to "protect America".
Somehow they ignore the entire section of the Constitution where it says the President has the duty to ensure that the laws are followed. Or that Congress has the Article I powers to establish not only the civilian laws, but also the laws of War. To sit: Congess shall...
make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;Sorry, guys but The President is NOT a King. He is not Emperor George the Second.
make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
It's time to write these people off. They're too far gone.
John Dean has written as much as 23% of us may be prone to this type of syncophantic behavior, and identification with the aggressors. Many of the other 77% of us have been napping. We've been asleep, lulled into a falls sense of abject paranoia as a result of incessent and manipulative terror alerts.
But the polls are showing that we're starting to wake up as we watch Abramof, Safavian, Allen, Libby, DeLay, Cunningham and Lie-berman all go down in a blaze of self-aggrandizing shame, and K-Street is starting to hire Democrats in anticipation of a major Republican bloodbath this November.
Things are looking up for the Sanity-Based Community.
We just might get control of this country back from the nutballs yet. Maybe.
We still have to remember they may be crazy, but their crazy like Foxes. Keep the nets ready.
Don't let the BAD guys win.
FYI, arguments made on the internet automatically lose some degree of credibility if the author of said arguments can't even be bothered to spellcheck or edit their post.
And re: your dailykos argument about not going into Iraq for WMD? Dude, did you even READ the resolution to which you referred?
It's sloppy shit like this gives the right traction when they start their slippery-slope arguments about the left distorting the truth. Get your shit together.
Actually I was paraphrasing a neo-con making the excuse that WMD's don't matter in that section. If you'll notice the entire section is an "quotes". I do edit and did spellcheck - unfortunately after the fact since I was on my way to work.
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